The 2025 survey period will begin in June 2025.
Roses in Review 2025
DUE DATE September 26, 2025 5:00 p.m. (PST)
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Your help is needed to evaluate new roses!
Please participate in Roses in Review 2025.
Go to and click on pink box in the upper right hand corner labeled Roses in Review 2025 to begin!
The process for 2025 remains similar to last year.
You can download the instructions.
Please read the directions carefully to learn how the system works.
The online survey at will close at 5:00 PM (PST), September 26, 2025. Any paper forms submitted must also be in the hands of your district coordinator by that date. We urge you to use the online system - it's easy and it saves from having to transcribe written forms. Please take the time to report on all the varieties you grow on the Roses in Review survey list.
Below you will find links to:
Download the instructions
Begin reviewing roses
A broad base of participation is needed to make this project worthwhile. We need your evaluations, whether you grow one of the varieties on the survey list, or dozens of them. We welcome evaluations from you whether you are new rose-grower, a "garden" rose-grower or a seasoned veteran grower, whether you grow roses for your landscape and garden, or if you also grow them to exhibit or arrange. We are happy to get reports from non-ARS members as well, so please forward a copy of this email along to all of your rose-growing friends (and encourage them to try an ARS Trial Membership as well).
Results of the survey will be included in the January/February 2026 issue of American Rose magazine and will determine ratings in the ARS Handbook for Selecting Roses as well. For these results to be meaningful, we need everyone to participate. Please take a few minutes of your time to evaluate your new roses.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact ARS Executive Director at
Click for Survey
Results from the "Garden" evaluations are used to compile the ratings in the American Rose Society (ARS) publication Handbook for Selecting Roses. Participation in the RIR process is open to EVERYONE! Membership in the ARS or a local rose society is not required, so please invite your family and friends to participate. The signup and link to the online entry form are different this year:
To register to use the site, click on “Roses in Review” in the top menu bar, then register on the right side on your first visit. Use the left side to log in for your next visit (if you don’t complete your ratings in one session). The ARS will not use the information to SPAM you as the info is only used to allow reporters to enter data over a period of time (register once, use the same info to come back and enter more info later), and to assist the RIR coordinators with data tabulation. This information is deleted after the end of the survey period. You do not have to complete your entries at one time, you may come back and add more ratings at a later date. Just be sure to use the same information (e-mail and name) the next time you want to enter. Also, remember to hit the "Save" button after entering the data. If you participated last year, you will have to register again this year.
The 2025 RIR survey form will be also available in the July/August issue of American Rose (the magazine for members of the ARS). Reports must be submitted on or before September 26, 2025, to be included in the year's results.
A reminder to all Consulting Rosarians and Rose Show Horticulture and Arrangement Judges that you are encouraged to submit a RIR survey. There is a check box available if you do not grow any of the listed varieties. You vote will count with our district's standings as "participated" if you check this box. Remember, the RIR survey process is open to everyone! Please pass along the link and ask your rose-growing friends to participate! Thank you!
Tim and Mary Hahn
Roses in Review Coordinators
Penn-Jersey District
Copyright © 2018 Penn-Jersey District of the American Rose Society. - All Rights Reserved.