Join us for our Meeting and Annual Photo Contest
Photos up to 5x7, with or without a frame are eligible. Exhibitors are limited to 2 photograph entries per Class. Prizes for each category will be awarded along with a best of show. We have had a very nice display in recent years and hope you will participate this year. This is a fun event and you don’t need professional quality photos, just ones you enjoy and want to share with other members. Everyone present will choose their favorite photo from each class. Label each photo with your name and the name of the rose, rose garden or arranger as appropriate. If you don’t know the name, enter it anyway, it not required.
Classes are as follows:
Class 1: Single Bloom (one bloom per stem)-any type of rose
Class 2: Spray (two or more blooms per stem)-any type of rose
Class 3: Rose Garden (any rose garden, yours, a friend’s, public rose garden)
Class 4: Bouquet or Arrangement (an arrangement from a show or something you just threw together for a friend or your own home)
Class 5: Anything Rose related (this is pretty wide open, parts of a rose, people with roses, insects or animals with your roses, abstract rose pictures, or anything rosy that doesn’t fit in one of the other four categories)
1. Feature of the photograph must be roses in classes 1, 2,4, and 5
2. Exhibitors are permitted to enter a maximum of 3 photos per class.
3. Photos must be 5 X 7 or 4 X 6 format prints and unmatted.
4. All photographs must be taken by the exhibitor and he/she must be an amateur photographer. An amateur is a person who does not have a business license as a photographer.
5. Photographs that have won a blue ribbon in previous ARS competitions are not eligible.
6. Rose photos in classes 1, 2, MUST be entered under the American Rose Society Approved Exhibition Name. Any misnamed rose will be removed from the contest. If the rose is a seedling, label the photo with the name of the ‘seedling’ and the class abbreviation.
7. Grooming the rose is encouraged, and artificial backgrounds may be used.
8. Digital photographs may be enhanced by the use of any graphic programs, but should not change the actual nature of the rose except for Class 5 (Abstract or Impressionism).
9. Photographs will be placed in the library section of Deep Cut on the bookshelves at the appropriate place designated for the class being entered. Photographs will be staged either lying flat on the table or inserted into an exhibitor supplied clear acrylic 5 x 7 or 4 x 6 frame and placed on the table. A standard entry ticket should be used and placed to the right of the entry.
CLASS 1. Any type or variety of rose, one bloom, any stage – for example, Hybrid Tea, Grandiflora, Floribunda, Miniature or Miniflora, etc. No side Buds.
CLASS 2. One Spray of any type – must have 2 or more blooms showing.
CLASS 3. A photo of any rose garden OR any rose society activity – arbors, & garden ornaments are permitted in the garden photo.
CLASS 4. A photo of a rose arrangement.
CLASS 5. Abstract or Impressionism – A photo having non-objective design, form or content, of a rose plant(s) or any portion thereof.
1. The Panel will consist of ARS accredited horticulture/arrangement rose judges who are also experienced in photography.
2. Classes 1 – 3 will be judged 50% on exhibition quality and 50% on photographic excellence.
3. Class 4 will be judged 50% on arrangement design and flower quality following the ARS guidelines for Judging Rose Arrangements and 50% on photographic excellence.
4.Class 5 will be judged on Photographic excellence only 5.
The “Best in Show” winner will be selected from blue ribbon winners from each class.
AWARD: ARS Best in Show Certificate for the best of the 5 classes.
2013 Penn-Jersey District Rose Show Photography Division Rules
1. All exhibitors in this division MUST be registered for this convention. Exhibitors are permitted only 2 entries PER CLASS. Only one photograph of an individual variety is permitted by each exhibitor in any given class.
2. Each photograph may be submitted for entry only once in this show. This includes small variations of the same photograph.
3. Photographs can be either 4x6 or 5x7 inches in size and unmated. No glass or frames are permitted. Entries will be displayed lying flat on a table. Each photo must have an accompanying entry tag completed and placed to the right of and next to the photo. There are a limited number of plastic sleeves the exhibitor may choose to use to display the entries.
4. All photographs must have been taken by the exhibitor who is an amateur photographer. An amateur photographer is defined as someone who does not make or supplement their living as a photographer. They do not have a business license as a photographer.
5. Photographs which have won first, second, or third place awards in previous ARS national contests are not eligible to be entered in this competition.
6. The rose featured in the photo must be identified on the entry ticket with its ARS Approved Exhibition Name. Any misnamed rose will be removed from the contest. If the name of the rose is unknown or a seedling, label the photo with the name “unknown” or “seedling” and the class abbreviation. Grooming the rose is encouraged, and artificial backgrounds may be used.
7. Standard rose show entry tags are to be used for this division. Entries must have the exhibitor’s name and the correct rose name entered on both the top and bottom of the entry tag.
8. Digital photographs may be enhanced by the use of any graphic program, but should not change the actual nature of the rose.
CLASS 1: ONE BLOOM A photo of one (1) specimen per stem of a hybrid tea, grandiflora, floribunda, miniature, or miniflora, at exhibition stage without side buds. Specimens classified as singles and semidoubles ARE included in this class.
Eligible for ARS Award of Merit Certificate and Rosemania Gift Certificate.
CLASS 2: ONE BLOOM A photo of one (1) one-bloom-per-stem climber, shrub, or OGR at exhibition stage, with or without side buds.
Eligible for ARS Award of Merit Certificate and Rosemania Gift Certificate.
CLASS 3: ROSE SPRAY A photo of one (1) spray, (any classification of rose), two or more blooms – side buds are permitted. Please note that collections are not included in this category.
Eligible for ARS Award of Merit Certificate and Rosemania Gift Certificate.
CLASS 4: OPEN BLOOM A photo of one (1) specimen of any variety rose bloom without side buds, at the open stage with fresh stamens showing. Specimens classified as single and semi-doubles varieties are NOT permitted.
Eligible for ARS Award of Merit Certificate and Rosemania Gift Certificate.
CLASS 5: ROSE GARDEN A photo of any rose garden with roses HOWEVER, roses should be the dominate feature of the photograph. Arbors and garden ornaments are permitted in the garden photo.
Eligible for ARS Award of Merit Certificate and Rosemania Gift Certificate.
CLASS 6: ROSE SOCIETY ACTIVITY A photo of any rose society activity. Indicate society and name of event in the society activity photo on a 3x5 card to be shown with entry.
Eligible for ARS Award of Merit Certificate and Rosemania Gift Certificate.
CLASS 7: ROSE ART A photo having altered reality, design, form, or components of a rose, rose plant, or any portion thereof.
Eligible for ARS Award of Merit Certificate and Rosemania Gift Certificate.
CLASS 8: MACRO PHOTOGRAPHY An extreme close up photo of a rose, rose plant, or any portion thereof.
Eligible for ARS Award of Merit Certificate and Rosemania Gift Certificate.
CLASS 9: ROSE ARRANGEMENT A photo of a rose arrangement, following the American Rose Society Guidelines for Judging Rose Arrangements. Please indicate arranger’s name if known on a 3x5 card to be shown with the entry.
Eligible for ARS Award of Merit Certificate and Rosemania Gift Certificate.
CLASS 10: NOVICE Open to anyone who has not previously won a blue ribbon award in an ARS approved photo and slide contest. Any subject matter that is listed in classes 1-9 above may be entered in this class. Eligible exhibitors may enter either this Novice class or the other classes listed in this schedule, but not both.
Eligible for ARS Award of Merit Certificate and Rosemania Gift Certificate.
1. The panel will consist of ARS accredited rose judges.
2. Classes 1 – 6 and 10 will be judged 50% on exhibition quality and 50% on photographic excellence.
3. Classes 7-8 will be judged on photographic excellence only. 4. Class 9 will be judged 50 percent on the arrangement design and flower quality following the American Rose Society Guidelines for Judging Rose Arrangements and 50 percent on photographic excellence.
If you haven't already done so, prepare your color picture prints for the Penn-Jersey District Rose Get-a-Way Weekend Photo Contest so that you can enter them next January. The schedule includes a Novice Class, which is open to those who have won three or fewer blue ribbons in previous Penn-Jersey Winter rose photo contests. Each photo entry must be an unmatted 5’x7’ color print. Mail your entry with your name, the class number and the name of rose or other photo identification attached to the back of the photo to: Bruce Monroe, 3030 Maple Shade Lane, Wilmington, DE 19810-3424. All entries must be received by Jan. 31, 2014. Exhibitors are limited to two entries per class. Entries in excess of two per exhibitor per class will not be considered for awards. All roses, gardens, and activities must be correctly identified. Rose photos will be evaluated on 50% rose form and 50% photo quality. All photos entered will be on display, and final judging and awards will be made at the Winter Rose Get-A-Way Weekend. The judges' decision is final. Ribbons will be given in each class and awards to the top three photos overall. All rights to the submitted photos are retained by the owners of the photos. However, by entering the contest, the owner agrees to allow the Penn-Jersey District of the American Rose Society to display the photo at the 2014 Winter Rose Get-a-Way Weekend and publish the photo in the District Newsletter, the Rose Vine. Owners who enter photos that win blue ribbons also agree to allow the local rose societies in the Penn-Jersey district to publish their winning photos in the societies’ newsletters. The photo contest is open to any photographer who is either a member of the Penn-Jersey District and/or who has registered for the 2014 Winter Rose Get-a-Way Weekend. You do not have to attend the Winter Rose Get-A-Way Weekend to enter the competition and you need not be present to win. The Novice class is open only to those exhibitors who have won three or fewer blue ribbons in previous Penn-Jersey Winter photo contests. However, exhibitors who have won three or fewer three blue ribbons in previous photo contests may also enter the other classes.
Please note the following definitions:
An exhibition bloom is a specimen that has one bloom per stem without side buds. Unwanted side growth, side buds and/or spent blooms may be removed from any specimen to improve the appearance. At its most perfect phase of possible beauty an exhibition bloom is generally one-half to two-thirds open, gracefully shaped with sufficient petals symmetrically arranged in a circular outline, and tending to a high center. An open bloom must have the stamens showing. A spray has two or more blooms per stem with or without unopened side buds. Roses classified as single or semi-double roses by the ARS are generally at their most perfect phase when fully open. A bud is not a bloom and cannot be considered for any award.
Class 1 – Novice Class – One photo, appropriate for any of Classes 2-13.
Class 2 – One Exhibition Bloom, Hybrid Tea, Grandiflora, or Floribunda – no side buds
Class 3 – One Exhibition Bloom, Miniature or Miniflora – no side buds
Class 4 – One Open Bloom, Hybrid Tea, Grandiflora, or Floribunda (other than roses classified as single or semidouble varieties by the ARS) – no side buds
Class 5 – One Open Bloom, Miniature or Miniflora (other than roses classified as single or semi-double varieties by the ARS) – no side buds
Class 6 – One Open Bloom of a Hybrid Tea, Grandiflora, Floribunda, Miniature, or Miniflora classified as a Single or Semi-Double by the ARS - no side buds
Class 7 – One Spray, Hybrid Tea, Grandiflora, Floribunda, Polyantha, Miniature or Miniflora
Class 8 – One Bloom or Spray, Species or Old Garden Rose – side buds permitted
Class 9 – One Bloom or Spray, Shrub or Climber – side buds permitted
Class 10 – A Rose Arrangement (identify arranger, if known)
Class 11 – A Rose Garden (identify garden)
Class 12 – A Rose Society Activity (identify society and activity)
Class 13– Rose Art – A photograph having altered reality, design, form or components of a rose plant or any portion thereof.
Miniature National Convention
1. All exhibitors in this division MUST be registered for this convention. All photographs must be of miniature or miniflora roses. Exhibitors are permitted only 3 entries PER CLASS. Only one photograph of an individual variety is permitted by each exhibitor in any given class.
2. Each photograph may be submitted for entry only once in this show. This includes small variations of the same photograph.
3. Photographs can be either 4 x 6 or 5 x 7 inches in size and unmatted. No glass or frames are permitted. Entries will be displayed lying flat on a table. Each photo must have an accompanying entry tag completed and placed to the right of and next to the photo.
4. All photographs must have been taken by the exhibitor who is an amateur photographer. An amateur photographer is defined as someone who does not make or supplement their living as a photographer. They do not have a business license as a photographer.
5. Photographs which have won first, second, or third place awards in previous ARS national contests are not eligible to be entered in this competition.
6. The rose featured in the photo must be identified on the entry ticket with its ARS Approved Exhibition Name. Any misnamed rose will be removed from the contest. If the name of the rose is unknown or a seedling, label the photo with the name “unknown” or “seedling” and the class abbreviation. Grooming the rose is encouraged, and artificial backgrounds may be used.
7. Standard rose show entry tags are to be used for this division. Entries must have the exhibitor’s name and the correct rose name entered on both the top and bottom of the entry tag.
8. Digital photographs may be enhanced by the use of any graphic program, but should not change the actual nature of the rose.
CLASS 1: ONE BLOOM A photo of one (1) specimen per stem, of a miniature or miniflora, at exhibition stage without side buds. Specimens classified as singles and semi‐doubles ARE included in this class.
Eligible for ARS Award of Merit Certificate and Rosemania Gift Certificate.
CLASS 2: ROSE SPRAY A photo of one (1) spray, of a miniature or miniflora, two or more blooms – side buds are permitted. Please note that collections are not included in this category.
Eligible for ARS Award of Merit Certificate and Rosemania Gift Certificate
CLASS 3: OPEN BLOOM A photo of one (1) specimen of any variety of a miniature or miniflora rose bloom without side buds, at the open stage with fresh stamens showing. Specimens classified as single and semi‐doubles varieties are NOT permitted.
Eligible for ARS Award of Merit Certificate and Rosemania Gift Certificate.
CLASS 4: ROSE ART A photo having altered reality, design, form, or components of a miniature or miniflora rose plant or any portion thereof.
Eligible for ARS Award of Merit Certificate and Rosemania Gift Certificate.
CLASS 5: MACRO PHOTOGRAPHY An extreme close up photo of a miniature or miniflora rose plant, or any portion thereof.
Eligible for ARS Award of Merit Certificate and Rosemania Gift Certificate.
CLASS 6: ROSE ARRANGEMENT A photo of a of a miniature or miniflora rose arrangement, following the American Rose Society Guidelines for Judging Rose Arrangements. Please indicate arranger’s name if known on a 3x5 card to be shown with the entry.
Eligible for ARS Award of Merit Certificate and Rosemania Gift Certificate.
CLASS 7: NOVICE Open to anyone who has not previously won a blue ribbon award in an ARS approved photo and slide contest. Any subject matter that is listed in classes 1‐6 above may be entered in this class. Class number should be 7-(1-6) to indicate which of the classes 1‐6 is being enered. Eligible exhibitors may enter either this Novice class or the other classes listed in this schedule, but not both.
Eligible for ARS Award of Merit Certificate and Rosemania Gift Certificate.
The panel will consist of ARS accredited rose judges.
Classes 1 – 3 and 7 will be judged 50% on exhibition quality and 50% on photographic excellence.
Classes 4-5 will be judged on photographic excellence only.
Class 6 will be judged 50 percent on the arrangement design and flower quality following the American Rose Society Guidelines for Judging Rose Arrangements and 50 percent on photographic excellence.
Copyright © 2018 Penn-Jersey District of the American Rose Society. - All Rights Reserved.